Tag Archives: purpose

Making life better.

I’m going to make my life so good that no man can affect it.

I have a good job. I just signed up for a Health Coach Certification. I will get that in about 4-6 months. I am crafting an amazing beautiful life for myself and that can’t be touched or brought down by a silly man.

I think with Caleb that he’s just not good at life. He sometimes responds a ton, but this weekend was a huge football game, so he was out getting wasted and couldn’t find the brain space to text me back a lot. Even if I’m out having fun with people I still get back to him. He just parties and drinks too much. Which were my reservations about him at the very beginning, even years ago when I first met him. How’s that for intuition and listening to your gut! An example of how we could benefit from listening to our instincts…

I played musics

I texted my friend who told me that her boyfriend has a drumset at his house. She told me he wants me to come over and play some music. I did after work at 11pm. It was the right decision. The drumset ruled, it was electronic and had the coolest settings I’ve ever heard. He kept saying that he was bad at guitar but he played and I tried to play along and some of it sounded fucking amazing. Also they had KITTIES.

Another thought, most of why we dislike our jobs is the monotonous day to day stuff and we just get burnt out. Why don’t we just have 2 or 3 jobs that we do. That’s usually what I do. I get so sick of being in the same place for too long that I almost always have 2 jobs. I decided it would simplify my life to just have the one so I’ve been doing the one job full time for 6 months now, and I am getting sick. of. it. I realized that it was super boring 2 months in. But that was just a thought about jobs and burn out. Do you guys agree or disagree?

Rich people.

I realized that I had some money I could spend so I went to the mall, I have ugly  shoes and have been looking for nice looking ones literally for years. I went to Scheels and noticed the nice coats (I HATE the cold and my coat is getting a little old [and the pockets are no longer existent]) but they were $300. And I looked at some clothes and saw a nice purse that was on sale for $80. It made me wonder, what are all of these people doing in their life in order to afford these things that I am not doing?

I just turned 30 today, I have a bachelors degree in Health Science and my job doesn’t pay a whole lot, it’s liveable but I have to be very careful. And there are things I need to save up for like a new car (or even just a little more money for when mine inevitably breaks down)  and I need a drumset and I need to go on a vacation in February so that I don’t go insane and suicidally depressed from the winter.

I just wonder what is it that people are doing to afford these things. I am incredibly intelligent, nice, and attractive. I am very reliable at work and I like to be busy and I like having a job.

Is it that these people just got lucky and found the right job? Are these people working harder and longer hours than me?

I spend hours almost daily applying to jobs. I’ve had 3 job interviews in the past 2 months and I haven’t gotten them. Maybe my resume sucks? Will you share your thoughts on this issue?